Metadataprofil för nämndsärenden version 0.9.8

14 juni 2024

Senaste versionen - svenska:
Denna version:
Tidigare stabil version:
Alex Akkila Forsberg - MetaSolutions AB
Med bidrag från:
Tobias Ingvast - Formpipe AB
Niklas Hjelm - TietoEvry AB
På uppdrag av:
Nationell dataverkstad
CC-BY 4.0

Nedan ser vi ett nästan komplett exempel uttryckt i RDF formatet Turtle.

@prefix adms: <> .
    @prefix rdf: <> .
    @prefix ex: <> .
    @prefix dcterms: <> .
    @prefix skos: <> .
    @prefix foaf: <> .
    @prefix schema: <> .
    @prefix org: <> .
    @prefix prov: <> .
    # Instances of OrganizationalUnit (Public Organization)
    <> a org:OrganizationalUnit ;
        skos:prefLabel "Department of Public Services"@en ;
        foaf:homepage <> ;
        schema:telephone "+1234567890" ;
        schema:email "" ;
        org:classification ex:Concept1 ;
        org:unitOf <> .
    # Instances of Organization (Public Organization)
    <> a org:Organization ;
        skos:prefLabel "Example Public Organization"@en ;
        foaf:homepage <> .
    # Instances of Concept
    ex:Concept1 a skos:Concept ;
        skos:prefLabel "Public Department"@en .
    # Instances of DigitalDocument
    <> a schema:DigitalDocument ;
        dcterms:identifier "DOC-001" ;
        dcterms:title "Public Report on Community Services"@en ;
        dcterms:description "A comprehensive report on community services."@en ;
        dcterms:dateAccepted "2024-06-14T10:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        dcterms:dateSubmitted "2024-06-01T10:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        dcterms:subject <> ;
        dcterms:type <> ;
        dcterms:source "Anonymous"@en ;
        prov:wasGeneratedBy <> ;
        dcterms:publisher <> .
    # Instances of Activity
    <> a prov:Activity ;
        dcterms:type <> ;
        prov:startedAtTime "2024-05-01T09:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        prov:endedAtTime "2024-06-01T17:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        prov:wasAssociatedWith <> ;
        prov:generated <> .
    # Additional instances to demonstrate all properties
    <> a schema:DigitalDocument ;
        dcterms:identifier "DOC-002" ;
        dcterms:title "Public Report on Infrastructure"@en ;
        dcterms:description "An in-depth report on public infrastructure."@en ;
        dcterms:dateAccepted "2024-06-15T10:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        dcterms:dateSubmitted "2024-06-05T10:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        dcterms:subject <> ;
        dcterms:type <> ;
        dcterms:source "Anonymous"@en ;
        prov:wasGeneratedBy <> ;
        dcterms:publisher <> .
    <> a prov:Activity ;
        dcterms:type <> ;
        prov:startedAtTime "2024-05-05T09:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        prov:endedAtTime "2024-06-05T17:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        prov:wasAssociatedWith <> ;
        prov:generated <> .
    <> a org:OrganizationalUnit ;
        skos:prefLabel "Department of Public Health"@en ;
        foaf:homepage <> ;
        schema:telephone "+0987654321" ;
        schema:email "" ;
        org:classification ex:Concept1 ;
        org:unitOf <> .
    <> a schema:DigitalDocument ;
        dcterms:identifier "DOC-003" ;
        dcterms:title "Public Health Guidelines"@en ;
        dcterms:description "Guidelines for public health and safety."@en ;
        dcterms:dateAccepted "2024-06-16T10:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        dcterms:dateSubmitted "2024-06-06T10:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        dcterms:subject <> ;
        dcterms:type <> ;
        dcterms:source "Anonymous"@en ;
        prov:wasGeneratedBy <> ;
        dcterms:publisher <> .
    <> a prov:Activity ;
        dcterms:type <> ;
        prov:startedAtTime "2024-05-06T09:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        prov:endedAtTime "2024-06-06T17:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
        prov:wasAssociatedWith <> ;
        prov:generated <> .