LDSV - Uppsala 2018

Linked Data in Sweden is a yearly symposium held with the purpose of bringing people together to exchange experiences around Linked Data. You are welcome independently if you are a practitioner, an academic, experienced or new in the field.

April 9:th
Live streams links in agenda below

ScilifeLab, Navet building
Room E10 “trippelrummet”
Uppsala Biomedicinska Centrum (BMC)
Entrance C11
Husargatan 3, 751 23 Uppsala, Sweden

Bus station: Uppsala Science Park

Note that there are abstracts that you can read for each seassion if you click to expand.

Time Activity Person
8:00-8:30 Coffe and mingle for participants of the tutorial -
Live stream tutorial seassion: 8:30-9:30
8:30-9:30 Tutorial to basic concepts in Linked Data - slides Matthias Palmér
9:30-10:00 Fika, mingle and arrival for those who do not need / cannot make it to the early tutorial. -
Live stream seassion 1: 10:00-12:00
10:00-10:15 Welcome, introduction, practicalities Samuel, Fernanda and Matthias
10:15-10:30 Introduction by SciLifeLab Johan Rung, Head of SciLifeLab Datacentre
TORA - Historical points of settlement units as linked data
Olof Karsvall, Riksarkivet
10:50-11:00 Stretch legs and introduce yourself to the person that sits next to you -
11:00-11:20 Beslut, dokument och rapporter som länkade data på länsstyrelser och Naturvårdsverket Ulrika Domellof-Mattsson, Naturvårdsverket
Hannes Ebner, MetaSolutions
Practical large scale semantic data handling, with RDF HDT and RDFIO
Samuel Lampa,
Semantic Modelling and Ontologies in epidemiology and surveillance
Fernanda Dórea, SVA
12:00-13:00 Lunch -
Live stream seassion 2: 13:00-14:00
Modelling persons, organizations, services and locations as linked data for the city of Gothenburg
Fredric Landqvist, Findwise
RealEstateCore – An ontology for Building Owners to connect to the Smart City
Dr. Erik Wallin, CEO Klipsk AB
Open data in the city. Possibilities and challenges.
Olle Bergdahl, E-government strategist at City of Uppsala, Executive office.
14:00-14:40 Split into discussion groups with a focus on issues raised. -
14:40-15:10 Fika -
Live stream seassion 3: 15:10-17:00
Combining RDF graphs in the browser - an approach to present and edit in a single form
Valentino Hudhra, MetaSolutions
Linked Data and the Revolution in Academic Publishing
Myles Byrne, FIMM
Building Linked Data services
Andrii Berezovskyi, KTH
Open discussion, concluding remarks and exit to social event
17:30-? Social Event at Katalin, eat, drink and enjoy the company of others. See the map for directions. -

Matthias Palmér - MetaSolutions

Fernanda Dórea - SVA

Samuel Lampa - UU /